Archive for June 2008

FO: Hemlock Ring Blanket

Turns out that I had a darning needle big enough for the 12 ply I used to make this blanket all along, so now the blanket is officially finished. It’s nice to be able to use or take photos of it without worrying about the daggy ends hanging out.


Vital stats:

Hemlock Ring Blanket
(exactly) 2 skeins of 12 ply Rainbow Wools, New Red
7mm dpns and 100cm circular Addis.
Start: November 2007
Finish: June 2008

Given how quickly it knit up, it was a pretty satisfying knit. It was also my first Addis experience, and they were pretty impressive. Having said that, it is hard to compare to circulars used in the past, because I don’t usually have projects that have such a large gauge.

Now that it’s done and dusted, I’ve started on another project that’s been languishing in my knitting cupboard before the Hemlock Ring Blanket was even a twinkle in my eye. I’m really enjoying the process of finishing up things that have not only been taking up precious space in my knitting cupboard for some time now, but also niggling in the back of my mind.

Diagonal lace scarf


This is my current bus knit – diagonal lace scarf from Midnight Purls. I’ve been waiting for just the right yellow yarn for this pattern and luckily it didn’t take long for me to find. A good yellow is pretty hard to find, its either too pale or has too much red in it for my tastes.

It’s only have a short commute to and from work, but there’s still enough time to get a couple of repeats done. If I was also knitting it at home, I think I would have torn through it by now, but I want to concentrate on getting through the pile of unfinished projects that aren’t conducive to public transport knitting. Although, I’m sure pinning out some knitting on the bus would be highly entertaining for the other commuters.

First post

The first blog post is always awkward – should it be an introduction, or should the introduction be skipped? I always to and fro between the two.

Maybe I’ll just do both.

I’ve been itching to start blogging again for a while, after being a terrible blogger while at uni – infrequent posts, horrible poorly-lit photos etc etc. Now I’m finished uni, I theoretically have more time to spend writing posts, commenting on blogs I like, and taking more care with my photos. I’m not sure how well this attempt will go, given that I’m a notoriously bad correspondent, but there’s no harm in having another shot.

Now for an (almost) FO. I started working on the Hemlock Ring Blanket late last year, but Christmas knitting soon took over, and I had to put it aside. I basically finished it last week, but accidentally left my darning needles at my parents place when I was visiting last month. I should be getting the needles back in a week or so, so it should be properly finished then.

Blanket 2.jpg Blanket.jpg

It’s not a blanket that you can snuggle up in, but it’s very nice as a lap blanket. I was a little concerned that the yarn I used (Rainbow Wools 12 ply) would be a little too rough, but it softened a lot after wet blocking. In all honesty, I’m not sure it was really an issue to begin with.

If you are on Ravelry, the details are here.