This little piggy
September 13th, 2009
This weekend I went to a market as a seller for the first time. It was quite intimidating and I cannot fib, it was pretty nerve wracking (it probably didn’t help that I was feeling sick from a well-timed coldy-flu). It’s probably the ultimate judgement of your handiwork; would a perfect stranger pay money for a product you’ve made?

The day was not all about the hard-nosed world of commerce. It was also about seeing missed friends, meeting lovely new people and trying new things.

Apparently it was also about snapping up a couple of treats for myself.
Despite being in my late twenties, I still maintain it’s perfectly acceptable to wear bobbles in my hair (from Poppy, Bean and Bloss).

Also, despite having just about enough coin purses to start a museum, I still maintain it’s perfectly acceptable to buy more, especially when made from linen and vintage embroidery. (from a little red ribbon).

Besides the nerves and being worn out by the end of the day, a most enjoyable time was had. Hopefully I’ll be able to do it again someday soon.
September 14th, 2009 at 11:11 am
Congratulations on your first market! I hope you did really well. Love the stuff you purchased too!
September 15th, 2009 at 10:26 pm
yay, first market under your belt – go you!!
I think that little coin purse, and those bobbles, are just too sweet. one’s never too old for bobbles, not can one have too many sweet little coin purses 😉
September 16th, 2009 at 4:57 pm
It was such a lovely surprise to see you! I’m glad it was a good experience for you, if a little daunting. And how long have they been making green kit kats??
September 17th, 2009 at 8:31 pm
Hi Emma,
Thanks for your nice comment! Glad to have a happy customer, seeing as I’m just starting out and very unsure about whether people will actually like this stuff. Thanks for being kind enough to buy something too :o)
I’m trying to remember you – was it you that I gave my card to at the end of the market? If so, was nice to meet you, even if it was only briefly.
Best wishes for your next market! Hope you sell lots.