Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Brown paper packages tied up with string.jpg

This Christmas season, my demeanour can be best described as frazzled. I’ve not got into the Christmas spirit at all this year, in fact it’s only been in the last couple of weeks that Christmas has been on my radar! Once all the wrapping is finished (hopefully today) and work finishes (tomorrow), I’m looking forward to having a short rest, where I can spend some quality time with my knitting and sewing.

However you celebrate the festive season, I hope it’s a safe and happy one!

It’s Christmas?!

Christmas Men

I’m in a slight state of disbelief that we’ve hit Christmas time already. However, how ever you spend your December holidays, I hope you have a nice, fun and/or relaxing break!

No words can describe what has happened, and is continuing to happen, in my home State. Please help those affected by the Victorian bushfires however you can.

ABC listing of ways you can assist those affected by the Victorian bushfires.