FO: Salina

Salina has been a work in progress for quite some time, a year in fact. It was a project that I didn’t much confidence in from the get go, starting with worrying about the orange slubs in the yarn, and ending with the seaming job. Nevertheless, Salina is finished.


around about 5.5-6 balls of Grignasco Tango, green
3.25 and 3.5 mm straights
Start: August 2007
Finish: August 2008

There’s really only one problem with it… it’s too big! The body fits ok, and is passable as a sloppy jumper, but the sleeves are just too big at the top. The sleeves look a little loose on the model, but not enough to fit a whole ‘nother arm in there. I’m not too disappointed though, I can see enough good in it to reknit it in a smaller size in the future.

The big lesson for today: don’t take so dang long to finish a jumper!

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