The quest for a stomach-warming ginger beer, part one


Last weekend the ginger beer mentioned in this post was ready to drink. We used this recipe, and the only modification I made to it was to add heaped teaspoons of ginger to the plant to hopefully make it a bit spicier.

It turned out pretty well, but not quite the ginger beer I was looking for. It didn’t have the peppery, stomach warming bite that I’m a fan of and it was a little bit syrupy.

Even though it was a perfectly pleasant, drinkable ginger beer, I’m going to try another recipe. This one in Chow has piqued my interest because it uses fresh ginger, so should be a bit more stomach warming. I’m slightly concerned about the recipe relying on airborne yeast, rather than adding yeast, for fermentation, but it’s no great loss if it doesn’t work. After all, it’s only ginger, water, sugar and time at stake.

4 Responses to “The quest for a stomach-warming ginger beer, part one”

  1. jules Says:

    Yum! Let us know how you go… and then I’ll follow in your footsteps!

  2. Sonia Says:

    My grade 4 teacher was big into making Ginger Beer, he also played the violin… but I digress. I look forward to hearing about how it all goes 🙂

  3. Leonie Says:

    Very interested to know how the no-yeast version goes. Might have to start one up myself if it’s a success!

  4. Lynne Says:

    And you could probably drink it as ginger cordial!

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