Getting on with it
November 23rd, 2008
A little bit of dissatisfaction has crept into my life of late, and it seems to have affected my enthusiasm for finishing off the projects I’m working on at the moment. Today I decided that it was time to get on with it so I could move onto things that I have more enthusiasm for.

I finally got round to dyeing some yarn destined for a grocery bag or bags, depending on how much yarn is needed. My fingers are only slightly green tinged, so all in all I’d call it a success.

I’m also nearly at the cast off stage for this sock. This really shouldn’t have taken as long as it has, particularly given it’s the only knitting project that I’m working on at the moment. It really is a tribute to the powers of procrastination!
If I keep my head down and keep chipping away at things for the next few weeks, I’ll have all the current projects out of the way, and I’ll be able to start working on the projects that have been swirling around in my head.