Open House

On the weekend, a couple of us checked out some of the buildings that were part of Melbourne Open House. We ventured into the rabbit warren at the back of the State Library (side note: this exhibition at the State Library looks great):

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Climbed a lot of stairs at the Rendezvous Hotel:

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Marvelled at Mission for Seafarers:

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And my favourite (even though it wasn’t really a tour of a building, but a business), wandering through many many bolts of vintage fabric at Phillips Shirts:

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Melbourne Open House is one of my favourite annual events in Melbourne. It appeals to my sticky beak sensibilities and it’s a good opportunity to see Melbourne from a slightly different angle. I wish it happened more often.

3 Responses to “Open House”

  1. Preethi Says:

    gorgeous pics!

  2. Michelle Says:

    I love the Open House concept. We happened to be in Chicago for Open House Chicago last year and OMG it was just fantastic. The whole city gets right into it! We saw places that most would never get inside to see unless they had business there. So glad we did it!

  3. Lynne Says:

    Wow! What a great idea! What fun!

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